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ALARA News - and a Webinar




Hello ALARA member

There has been very little communication from ALARA over the last five months, for which I apologise. A combination of limited time, limited resources and technology have caused this extended period of silence.

On this last front, much has happened. After the breach of its email system, ALARA's Internet Service Provider (ISP) decided to cease offering its email service. Emails are an important part of ALARA's activities, and so the ALARA Board decided to move its entire internet offering to another provider. The estimated time for this transfer of a few days, scheduled for immediately after Easter, is only now reaching a conclusion. Hopefully, you will not notice any change, but there have been many hours spent in the background making the transition as smooth as possible.

With this important work nearly behind us, ALARA can focus on more interesting activities, including:

ALARA Webinar - Insights into PhD Action Research Experiences

The authors of last year's special issue of the Action Learning and Action Research Journal will be guest presenters at a webinar next week - 25 May 2023 at 9:00 am (Australian Eastern Time), when they will talk briefly about their experiences and then invite participants to discuss their situations and plans for action research. See the information about this event on the ALARA site, and book yourself a seat.

ALARA Event Calendar

ALARA has instigated an events calendar for action learning and action research events. You can submit items for Bernadette to add by either:

I encourage you to inform others in the action learning and action research communities about this events calendar. They can also submit events by emailing Bernadette.

Finally, I mentioned limited time and resources as being some of the problems ALARA has faced. The Board are seeking more assistance and input from members and non-members - the webinar mentioned above being one idea. We would like to run other webinars in preparation for an Australasia conference next year (and a World Congress in 2025). The Board would welcome your ideas, time and even financial support to allow it to continue ALARA's work.

Colin Bradley