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ALARA-BALT Australasian Conference 2020 Doctoral Workshop

ALARA-BALT Australasian
Action Learning, Action Research Conference 2020

Discovering the Future Together:
Action Learning and Action Research at Work


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Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd (ALARA) and Business Action Learning Tasmania (BALT) are co-hosting the ALARA-BALT Australasian Action Learning, Action Research Conference 2020 from Launceston, Tasmania from 8 - 10 November 2020.

Doctoral Workshop for Higher Degree Research Students

Awards sponsored by Australian Institute of Business


This Doctoral Workshop commences the ALARA-BALT Australasian Conference on 8 November 2020. The Doctoral Workshop provides an opportunity for Higher Degree Research students, their supervisors and anyone interested in current research to share and support our next wave of knowledge providers.

The Doctoral Workshop is designed as a yarning circle (1). Students will form small groups at their institutions, either in person or virtually, to share their research ‘story’ in five minutes followed by a 10 minute facilitated conversation, before moving to the next student, and so on. Each group will then summarise at least three learnings to share with the full cohort, and select up to three presentations to represent the institution at the whole-cohort workshop.

At 2.00 pm on Sunday 8 November, the whole-cohort facilitated two-hour learning yarning circle will bring together all attendees with an opportunity to further extend the students' exposure to action research approaches. The three selected students from each institution will present their five-minute 'stories', and then the three learnings gained, after which the whole cohort may ask questions and discuss the content and the learnings before moving on to the next institution. Feedback from this yarning circle will guide the students, and their supervisors, to seek deeper understandings which could lead to enhanced outcomes for their contributions to society.

Locations for the Doctoral Workshop

The central hub for the Doctoral Workshop will be in Launceston, just as it will be for the Conference. The Organising Committee have approached a dozen institutions to be connected for the two-hour learning conversation.

Submission guidelines

Doctoral and Master students are invited to submit a completed proposal form and discussion paper of no more than 1,000 words (two A4-pages) in 12pt, Times New Roman, using standard margins. Papers should be formatted according to APA / Harvard guidelines and include: title; author details; abstract [200 words or less]; purpose; design / methodology / approach (referencing the action research approach used); findings; research limitations / implications; practical implications; originality / value; and keywords. Students are to receive their supervisors’ written approval to attend - please see proposal form to complete.

Students can submit a pdf of the proposal form and their paper to Associate Professor Chivonne Algeo, ALARA's VP-Australasia, who is co-ordinating this Workshop, by 19 October 2020.

Workshop Awards

Students are invited to submit their presentation and paper for an award sponsored by the Australian Institute of Business, Australia’s largest online MBA provider. AIB’s support is a testament to their on-going commitment to research degrees and the higher education sector.

  • Best Student Action Research Paper Award ($500 award to paid into a research account)
    This award is judged on the submitted discussion paper. The criteria for judging are:
    • Setting the scene: Paper presents purpose and structure of the action research project (25%).
    • Context: Paper clearly outlines the contextual factors of the action research project (25%).
    • Academic Expression: Language, Tone, Grammar, Precision, context and purpose for writing; Report coherent in style and content; Appropriate referencing (10%).
    • Innovation and Contribution: Does the action research extend the existing body of knowledge? Does the action research create new and innovative approaches or test an existing approach when managing a situation? What is the potential impact of the action research? (40%)
  • Best Student Action Research Presentation Award (Discount of $500 towards one AIB Masterclass to be used by Dec 2021)
    This award is judged on the presentation by the student. The criteria for judging are:
    • Explanation and expression: Gave a clear, coherent and relevant presentation within the allocated timeframe. (10%)
    • Structure and organisation: Adequately organised and logically presented. (20%)
    • Communication: Communicated with the audience and engaged in a conversation. (10%)
    • Innovation and Contribution: Does the action research extend the existing body of knowledge? Does the action research create new and innovative approaches or test an existing approach when managing a situation? What is the potential impact of the action research? (40%)
    • Audience feedback (20%)

Any questions? For any further information, please contact Associate Professor Algeo.

(1)    Dunleavy, J., About Yarning Circles, 2013