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E-News - 13 October 2019








Welcome to ALARA's regular e-News of activities, events and information

for the Action Learning / Action Research Community.


Your contributions to this fortnightly bulletin are welcome. Please send any items to


In this e-News: 

  • CARN-ALARA Conference (17-19 October 2019) - THIS WEEK

  • Brisbane Conversation with Dr Sara Branch

  • Secretary assistance required



Split Croatia


CARN logo




CARN-ALARA Conference, Split, Croatia, 17-19 October, 2019

Draft Programme Available


ALARA Ltd is pleased to be working with the Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) to present the CARN-ALARA 2019 Conference in Split Croatia from 17-19 October 2019.


The conference commences this week - 17 October 2019 in Split, Croatia. If you have made a last-minute decision to attend, please let us know.


We have sent a separate email about the first session on Thursday 17 October at 12:45 pm local time (late evening in Australia, and very early morning in USA). This session is an open discussion by representatives of CARN, ALARA, ARNA and other networks about the future of action research networks. This session will be available via Zoom video conferencing for those not at the conference. Please email Colin before Thursday at if you wish to join that meeting via Zoom.


More information about the conference is available on the Conference website or see ALARA's website where you can download the draft programme.


ALARA logo






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Brisbane ALARA Conversation - What makes a community?

The next Conversation is with Dr Sara Branch from Griffith University, on 17 October 2019. See here for more information.


The following event will be the Christmas party - more details to come.







ALARA has published a Monograph and ALARj. Members can access the Journal via the OJS website. Both the Journal and the Monograph are available on the ALARA website.


The Monograph is by Eileen Piggot-Irvine, Wendy Rowe and Lesley Ferkins,entitled Thumbs Up for Action Research in Case Studies from the Evaluation Study of Action Research. It is available for ALARA Members on the Monographs page.


ALARA is seeking a print-on-demand service provider to replace Sydney University Press. Any suggestions or assistance in this pursuit would be welcomed - please contact Colin Bradley. Once ALARA has signed with a new provider, these publications will be available in hard copy.





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Secretary Assistance Requested

Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd is seeking assistance in two roles, which could be performed by one or two people. These roles are Minute Secretary and Administration Support Secretary.

  • Minute Secretary: The Minute Secretary may attend meetings of the Board (usually 11 per year), and does attend meetings of the Committees Group (between 6 and 10 per year) and the Annual General Meeting.

  • Administration Support Secretary: The Administration Support Secretary supports the Board on all matters related to the general administration of ALARA.


Each role requires between about 2 and 10 hours per month. A full description of the work is available here. ALARA will consider applicants in a volunteer or paid capacity.


ALARA also have a number of important initiatives for which we are seeking assistance, such as developing a marketing plan, helping to create local networks or conversation events in any location where members wish to meet, approaching organisations that utilise Action Learning / Action Research that may wish to support ALARA and its activities, and developing relationships with organisations that will provide benefits to members and the wider Action Learning / Action Research community.


A description of the initiatives is available here. If you would like to discuss these roles or initiatives, or would like to undertake one or more of them, please contact ALARA ( or


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Call for papers for Action Learning and Action Research Journal

ALARA has published the Action Learning and Action Research Journal for 24 years, and you are invited to submit papers for the 2019 issues. Please visit the ALARj on the OJS site or see the submission guidelines on ALARA's website for more information.





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2015 World Congress Proceedings


2015 World Congress Proceedings Published

ALARA has published the 9th Action Learning, Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research 2015 World Congress Proceedings. It is available via Sydney University Press, or ALARA's website for more information.





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ALARA Monograph available

As well as the ALARA 7th Monograph, mentioned above, ALARA has published the 6th Monograph in its series: Beyond the boundary: Is there Something Called 'Real Knowledge'? by Davies, Shamshoum, Nyland and Clarke. The full Monograph is available via the Monograph's page.






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Join ALARA social media platforms and contribute your action learning/action research news

ALARA is active on social media. You can read about ALARA activities and learn about new resources and innovations via Twitter @alaraevents or the Facebook group, ‘Action Learning Action Research Association Inc (ALARA)’. There is also a LinkedIn group for students (and their supervisors) using action learning or action research, see: ALARA Inc. Tertiary Education Community Private Group. We invite you to ask questions, make comments or share your work with us all. See you there!





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Submission of Monographs

Our Monographs Editor welcomes submission of Monographs at For further information please see the Monograph submission guidelines.




Other Events and Information



PRIA Youth Newsletter


PRIA has released an online Youth Newsletter. Issue 1 (September 2019) is available here.


Cocinando! Cooking with Action Research


Hilary Bradbury and AR+ announce the release of this new recipe book on Action Research. The launch date is October 15 at 18.00 at the Andrés Bello Campus of the University of Chile, Santiago. For more information about the cookbook, see here.




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PRIA Releases Annual Report


PRIA has shared its latest Annual Report. Highlights include nine Knowledge for Change (K4C) Hubs established and 52 mentors trained on community based participatory research, and Settlement Improvement Committee members (53% are women and 50% are youth members) are mature and confident, capable of making municipal authorities accountable. To download a copy, click here.





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WERA Focal Meeting Call for Submissions


Please click here for the Call for Submissions for the World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting to be held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain from 1 to 3 July 2020. WERA is an association of major national, regional, and specialty education research associations dedicated to sharing scholarship, developing networks, and mutually supporting capacity building.




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International Action Learning Conference 2020 - Action Learning and Social Action


The Call for submissions for the conference, which will be held in Plymouth UK on 6-8 April 2020 has opened, closing 30 October 2019. Click here to download a brochure, or for more information visit here.





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Call for the Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2020 Conference


The Call for the Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2020 Conference is now open at their website. This conference takes place from 21th to 24th April 2020 in Copenhagen (DK). More information is available here.




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ALARA Member Seeking Assignment


Bryan Carpenter, MA, CFIPD (UK), is an Associate Fellow of ALARA. As a previous action research university head of faculty, he has extensive international experience of teaching action research and facilitating action learning sets. He is based in Thailand and is actively looking for short term assignments in Australia (or remote). If interested please email direct to bryan.carpenter7[at] for detailed information






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Special Issue of EARJ, entitled “Critical issues in socially just action research and practice”

Find out more about this special issue here.


The editors would be very grateful if authors could let them know as early as possible if they will be submitting an abstract, as this will help the editors' planning.






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Special Issue of Action Learning: Research & Practice: Action Learning & Social Action

Submissions are invited for a Special Issue of Action Learning: Research & Practice to be published in Spring 2020. See here for more information.




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Open Access Government July 2019

Open Access Government July 2019 showcases a wide array of insightful opinion articles on government policy issues across the globe, including health and social care, research and innovation, environment, agriculture, energy, transport, industry, ICT, blockchain innovation, government, legal affairs and HR & training. Out now and free to view.